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Tutor helping two primary school students

Pacific Tutoring

Tutor and Students in Tutoring Class

About Us

Supportive. Goal-Oriented. Achievement.

Our mission at Pacific Tutoring is simple: to provide high-quality tutoring for our students and support to our parents and carers. We cater to individualised student requirements, from Kindergarten to Year 12.



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About us

Tutoring Services

Yes, we can help

Maths Tutoring

Always Prepared

Pacific Tutoring provides detailed support to our students in all levels of Mathematics, including troublesome topics and examinations.


You can count on us to be professional, build our students' confidence effectively and make sure you’re satisfied every step of the way.

Student Learning Mathematics
Learning process

English Tutoring

Supportive Development

Writing skills

Together we develop a higher standard of writing, to improve school grades. We boost comprehension responses and learning literary techniques to analyse texts, expanding answers and school essays.

NAPLAN Preparation
HSC Preparation

Academic Support

Pacific Tutoring is committed to our students, especially when it comes to NAPLAN reports & NSW HSC. Students will shine, by moving towards a higher Bands in NAPLAN english and maths and surge in their subject rankings & ATAR scores, in NSW Higher School Certificate.

Exam Day
Professional Services


What They’re Saying About Us

“Thank you Pina for tutoring me from Year 7-12! I went from getting C's before I started at Pacific Tutoring to getting placed in the top class every year since with 20/20 essays. 

I ended up achieving a 93 Band 6 in English Advanced. I wouldn't have been able to do this without the skills Pina taught me which enabled me to get the ATAR for my dream course at my dream uni!”

"I'm so happy with my child school progress and his confidence in math after a few months of tuition at Pacific Tutoring. Their price is very reasonable too.  I wish you all the best."

"I find Pacific Tutoring teachers very patient and knowledgeable. Thanks guys for helping my child. I'm telling about you to everyone I know. Keep up the good work and I do appreciate your help."

“I found out about Pacific Tutoring through a friend, and I couldn’t be happier. They were fast, friendly and super professional from the moment they started.”

“I’ve worked with Pacific Tutoring on numerous occasions, and have yet to be disappointed. They’re service is exceptional every single time. Highly recommended.”

“I highly recommend Pacific Tutoring. All of the staff members were extremely professional, timely and provided amazing service. I wouldn’t choose anyone else.”


Get In Touch

We're located in Kenthurst

Questions, comments or requests? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you.

81 Annangrove Rd, Kenthurst NSW 2156

1300 183 488

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Get In Touch

81 Annangrove Rd, Kenthurst NSW 2156

1300 183 488

©2023 Pacific Tutoring

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